


                               Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in average temperature of the Earths atmosphere and its oceans.  Global warming is believed to be permanently changing the Earths climate.

                               We use Global warming and climatic changes interchangeably, global warming is just one aspect of climate change.  global warming refers to the rise in global temperature due to mainly in the increasing concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere.  climate change refers to the increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long period of time including precipitation, temperature and wind pattern.

effects of global warming

1. melting of glaciers, severe droughts, water shortage
2. rising sea levels will lead to coastal flooding in the peninsular regions.
3. forests, farms, and cities will face troublesome pests, heat waves, heavy downpours and increased flooding
4. disruption of habitats which will further lead to extinction of plant and animal species.
5. infections disease like allergies, asthma out break and will become move common due to increased growth of pollen, high levels of pollutants
6. destruction to important historical monuments like Tajmahal and other temples which on one way affect the economy of a country.
7. unpredictable climate changes.
8. due to unpredictable climate changes the major effect is to the agriculture sector.
9. whether you are a contributor at personal level to the global warming or not but you have to face consequences of it in one way or the other.
10. increase in carbon dioxide due to burning of fossil fuels, makes the plants and animals lose some of its proteins and vitamin content, putting millions of people at risk of malnutrition.


1.instead of using fossil fuels like petrol, LPG,kerosene etc better shift towards renewable energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal energy etc
2. action is to be taken at regional level by farming small groups.  these groups will enlighten the people in their area about the impact of global warming at regional and around the globe.
3. the automobiles which are running over a certain period say 10 years should be banned completely without second thought because they release more pollutants into the atmosphere.
4. shifting towards renewable energy resource for all our energy needs like cooking, lighting, and running electrical and electronic gadgets.
]5. animals like sheep and cattle after eating  release methane gas.  so open land grazing should be avoided instead develop better practices in farming.
6. in agriculture while using fertilizers, there is a release of nitrous oxide which is another contributor of global warming. so develop methods to use organic fertilizers which improve profitable yield.
7. Due to increasing in urbanization deforestation is taking place in a large extent which is reducing the release of oxygen, there by increasing carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere.
8. urbanization should not happen in one particular area which will destroy its surroundings at present as well as in the future. to avoid such situations government agencies should have proper plan while planning a town or city.

సైన్స్ టీచర్  

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